Open Abstract Submission

Now accepting abstracts for the following events:

  • Wastewater Administrators Conference (Jan 23-24, 2025) *CLOSED*
  • Joint Expo & Operator Days with MI-AWWA (Feb 4-5, 2025) *CLOSED*
  • Biosolids Conference (March 12-13, 2025) *CLOSED*
  • Annual Conference (June 15-18, 2025) *CLOSED*
  • General Committee Seminars (various seminars held throughout the year)
  • 101st Annual Conference  (June 15-18, 2026) COMING SOON

General Abstract Submission
Abstracts are accepted anytime throughout the year for MWEA's topical seminars & events, including:

  • Asset & Infrastructure Management (April/May) 
  • Process & Sustainable Energy (May)
  • Lagoons (Summer)
  • Industrial Pretreatment Program (September)
  • Northern MI Wastewater Operators (September/October)
  • Collections (October)
  • Maintenance (October/November)
  • Laboratory Practices (November)
  • Stormwater & Watershed (December)

- Presenters shall provide a brief (one page or less) written abstract summarizing their talk.
- The abstract shall include the presentation title and contact info.
- Presentations shall be 30 - 45 minutes in length, and allow 5 minutes for questions and answers.
- Presenters are to utilize MS PowerPoint® software for the visual aid. A laptop computer and projector will be available.

You will be contacted about a potential presentation date and time if your abstract is selected. Abstracts will be kept on file for one year. 

Click here to submit or copy & paste the following link: