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PURPOSE- To promote relationships between schools and their local Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF) or the Michigan Water Environment Association (MWEA);
- To provide small grants to schools for various water quality related projects;
- To provide speakers to present on water quality subjects to the schools, and;
- Where feasible, arrange plant tours for the participating classes or schools.
The WRRF contact will reach out to an interested teacher or department head who has expressed an interest in performing a water quality related project or a teacher may reach out to the MWEA. The teachers may be those that have applied for a Youth Education Committee or Dan Wolz Education grant and did not receive it, or by reviewing the Donors Choice website and finding a worthy project to fund.
The relationship may start out with the WRRF contact or designee speaking to a class or classes about water quality in general or local water quality concerns. The MWEA will provide the grant for the project and the local WRRF representative shall offer assistance. A tour of the local WRRF should be arranged for the class(es) where possible. Once the project has been completed, the class shall present its findings to the local WRRF or MWEA representative.
By adopting a school, it is hoped that the local WRRF shall continue to be available for speaking and also continue to offer facility tours to the students and school staff after the grant period and in perpetuity.
For example, in places where there is adequate funding available and the grant purchases are reusable, the WRRF might continue to fund the projects annually and create a mutually beneficial relationship with the school year after year. In turn, the teacher and students will have developed a real world relationship with at least one water professional and have a lifelong resource for valuable perspective and information.

The following evaluation criteria and process ensure tracking and accountability for funds allocated to schools, promote fair distribution of funds, and leverage MWEA’s public education goals:
- Project is for fourth – twelfth grade students;
- Project is science-based and includes wastewater and/or stormwater/watershed education elements;
- Project shall include a wastewater treatment facility tour and/or a presentation from a local wastewater/storm water agency. MWEA will provide contact information for your local wastewater/storm water agency if unknown.
A check payable to the school will be mailed to the contact provided.
The school agrees to use the funds only as proposed unless otherwise approved.
A summary of fund use (how the money was spent) and digital photos must be received by end of school year after project completion.
Typical funding will range from $200 - $1000.
Click here to access the application.