To join a committee, click here! 

Michigan Water Environment Association has many committees to serve the varying interests of our membership.You do not have to be a member of MWEA to be a member of a committee and new committee members are always welcome. 

Active MWEA Committees to Join:

(Click each to find out more)

NEW - MWEA Membership
Annual Conference CoordinationAsset & Infrastructure Management*
Collection SystemsContaminants of Concern
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)Government Affairs
Health & Safety*Industrial Pretreatment (IPP)
Joint Expo*Lab Practices*
Lagoon OperatorsMaintenance*
New ProfessionalsNorthern MI WW Operators
Operators Day Technical Program*Operations Challenge Team
OutreachPFAS Coordination
Process & Sustainable EnergyWastewater Administrators
Water For PeopleWatershed & Stormwater
Youth Education*

*Joint Committee with MI-AWWA

MWEA Local Sections Map

Local Section 7 (Lansing area)Local Section 11 (Saginaw/Bay City area)
Local Section 21 (Upper Peninsula)